Package-level declarations


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data class AlternativeOrderNode(val left: OrderNode, val right: OrderNode) : OrderNode

Represents a regex OR ('|')

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Base class for Order, OrderGroup and OrderSet. Creates a binary tree of the given regex with its toNode method.

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interface OrderFragment
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Represents a regex group

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sealed interface OrderNode : OrderFragment
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All the available quantifiers for this simple regex like DSL.

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class OrderSet(negate: Boolean) : OrderBuilder

Represents a regex set. Its toNode method converts the set into a group with OR expressions to simplify the resulting binary tree

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Allows the syntactic sugar to create a set with the 'get' operator.

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typealias OrderToken = KFunction<Op>
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data class QuantifierOrderNode(val child: OrderNode, val type: OrderQuantifier, val value: Any? = null) : OrderNode

Represents a regex quantifier like: '*', '?', etc.

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data class SequenceOrderNode(val left: OrderNode, val right: OrderNode) : OrderNode

Represents a regex sequence, where one OrderNode must be followed by another OrderNode

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data class TerminalOrderNode(val baseName: String, val opName: String) : OrderNode

Represents an OrderToken.


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fun OrderToken.getOp(vararg arguments: Any? = Array<Any?>(parameters.size) { null }): Op