Package-level declarations


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data class ArgumentItem<E>(val op: Op, val index: Int, val transformation: (BackendDataItem) -> TransformationResult<E, String> = { TransformationResult.failure("No transformation given from user") }) : CanChangeTransformation<E>

Represents the argument at index given to the function call represented by op.

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interface BackendDataItem

Interface for accessing info about a DataItem from the CokoBackend

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A ConditionComponent that has two children and a operator

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A BinaryConditionComponent that logically combines left and right based on operator (e.g. logical and)

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sealed interface BinaryOperatorName
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A ConditionComponent that represents a function call

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sealed interface CanChangeTransformation<E> : DataItem<E>

Adds an infix function withTransformation to a DataItem.

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A BinaryConditionComponent that compares left and right based on operator (e.g. equality or less than)

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ConditionNode that can have children

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sealed interface ConditionLeaf : ConditionNode

ConditionNode that does not have children

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sealed interface ConditionNode
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class ContainsConditionComponent<E, T>(val item: DataItem<E>, val collection: Collection<T>) : ConditionComponent

A ConditionComponent that represents the condition that the value of item should be in collection

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sealed interface DataItem<E> : ConditionLeaf

Represents a data item such as a variable or literal.

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class Definition(val fqn: String)

Represents the definitions of a function with the fully qualified name fqn.

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typealias Parameter = Any?

Represents a parameter in the Signature

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Represents a group of parameters that all belong to the same index

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data class ReturnValueItem<E>(val op: Op, val transformation: (BackendDataItem) -> TransformationResult<E, String> = { TransformationResult.failure("No transformation given from user") }) : CanChangeTransformation<E>

Represents the data item that a function call represented by op returns.

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class Signature

Represents a signature of a function.

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A ConditionComponent that has one child, conditionNode, and a operator (e.g. negation)

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data class Value<E> : DataItem<E>

A wrapper class for value to make it a DataItem.


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fun <E> value(value: E): DataItem<E>
fun <E> value(value: DataItem<E>): DataItem<E>