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Configuring Codyze

There are two ways of configuring Codyze, through command line options or a configuration file.

If both are present, the command line options take precedence over the configuration file. For list and map type options, the data from the configuration file can be overwritten if the normal option (e.g. --option-name) is used. To append the data from the command line to the one from the configuration file, use the additions option (e.g. --option-name-additions)

Configuration File

The configurations can also be defined with a JSON configuration file. Use the option --config=<filepath> to specify the path to the config file. The configuration from ./codyze.json will always be loaded if no other file is specified.

Relative paths in the configuration file are resolved relative to the configuration file location.

The configuration structure separates the options by subcommand as seen below.

  "good-findings": false,
  "runCoko": {
    "spec": "./model.codyze.kts",
    "cokoCpg": {
      "source": "./"
In this example the good-findings argument belongs to Codyze, the spec argument belongs to the runCoko subcommand and the source argument belongs to the cokoCpg subcommand. The value of the option is taken from the object which corresponds to the subcommand used for the execution.

It is important to note that the configuration file only sets the options for each subcommand but does not invoke the subcommand itself. A complete usage example for using a configuration file in combination with subcommands looks as follows:

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="--config=config.json runCoko cokoCpg"
Mind that the config file must be specified as a top-level argument before calling the respective subcommands for the executor or backend.

An exemplary configuration file can also be found in the GitHub repository .

List of Configurations

This is a list of all available configurations, their descriptions and their respective name. The names are the same for the configuration file and the CLI options.

./ denotes the working directory in which Codyze was started.


Key Value Description Default Value
output Path The path to write the results file to. [./]
output-format String Format in which the analysis results are returned. sarif
good-findings Boolean Enable/Disable output of "positive" findings which indicate correct implementations. true
pedantic Boolean Activates pedantic analysis mode. In this mode, Codyze analyzes all given specification files and report all findings. false



Key Value Description Default Value
spec Path[] Paths to CoKo rule files. [./]
disabled-specs Path[] The specified files will be excluded from being parsed and processed. []
disabled-spec-rules String[] Rules that will be ignored by the analysis. []



Key Value Description Default Value
source Path[] Path to the to be analyzed files or directories. [./]
disabled-source Path[] Path to files or directories which should not be analyzed. Symbolic links are not followed when filtering out these paths. []
additional-language String[] Specify programming languages of files to be analyzed (full names). []
unity boolean Only relevant for C++. A unity build refers to a build that consolidates all translation units into a single one, which has the advantage that header files are only processed once, adding far less duplicate nodes to the graph. false
type-system-in-frontend boolean If false, the type listener system is only activated once the frontends are done building the initial AST structure. This avoids errors where the type of a node may depend on the order in which the source files have been parsed. true
default-passes boolean Adds all default passes in cpg (1. FilenameMapper, 2. TypeHierarchyResolver, 3. ImportResolver, 4. VariableUsageResolver, 5. CallResolver, 6. EvaluationOrderGraphPass, 7. TypeResolver). true
passes String[] Register these passes to be executed in the specified order. Please specify the passes with their fully qualified name. []
debug-parser boolean Enables debug output generation for the cpg parser. false
disable-cleanup boolean Switch off cleaning up TypeManager memory after analysis, set to true only for testing. false
code-in-nodes boolean Should the code of a node be shown as parameter in the node. false
annotations boolean Enables processing annotations or annotation-like elements. false
fail-on-error boolean Should parser/translation fail on parse/resolving errors (true) or try to continue in a best-effort manner (false). false
symbols Map Definition of additional symbols. {}
parallel-frontends boolean If true, the ASTs for the source files are parsed in parallel, but the passes afterwards will still run in a single thread. This speeds up initial parsing but makes sure that further graph enrichment algorithms remain correct. false
match-comments-to-nodes boolean Controls whether the CPG frontend shall use a heuristic matching of comments found in the source file to match them to the closest AST node and save it in the comment property. false
analyze-includes boolean Enables parsing of include files. If includePaths are given, the parser will resolve symbols/templates from these in include but not load their parse tree. false
includes Path[] Paths containing include files. []
enabled-includes Path[] If includes is not empty, only the specified files will be parsed and processed in the cpg, unless it is a part of the disabled list, in which it will be ignored. []
disabled-includes Path[] If includes is not empty, the specified includes files will be excluded from being parsed and processed in the cpg. The disabled list entries always take priority over the enabled list entries. []