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Analyzing with Codyze

Command line mode

When running in command line interface (CLI) mode, Codyze can be used to automatically check a code base against a set of rules given in a supported specification language like Coko. Below are short exemplary calls to start codyze in command line interface mode. ./ refers to the top-level directory of the repository. However, for the Gradle arguments ./ refers to the directory of the project, which is codyze-cli.

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="<executor> --spec <specpath> <backend> -s <sourcepath>"
Because Codyze is built to be modular and support many specification languages as well as code analysis backends, there are subcommands to select the executor/backend. To find what arguments each executor/backend accept, use the --help argument:

To show the available executors use:

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="--help"

To show the arguments accepted by an executor and the available backends use:

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="<executor> --help"

To show the arguments accepted by a backend use:

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="<executor> <backend> --help"

Analysis Example

The repository contains examples which you can use to test Codyze. Below are the commands to call Codyze on these examples.

./gradlew :codyze-cli:run --args="runCoko --spec ../codyze-specification-languages/coko/coko-dsl/src/test/resources/model.codyze.kts --spec ../codyze-specification-languages/coko/coko-dsl/src/test/resources/javaimpl.codyze.kts cokoCpg -s ../codyze-specification-languages/coko/coko-dsl/src/test/resources/java/" 

This configures Codyze to use the 'coko' executor and the 'cokoCpg' backend. You will see the result printed to the console and a findings.sarif files is generated in the codyze-cli folder. The spec files contain a single rule, which checks that every change to a database is logged. The sample Java file adheres to the rule, so there should be no issues in the result.

CI/CD Integration

The CLI mode is a perfect candidate for integration in CI/CD processes, such as GitHub Actions. The following file can be used as an example so set up a compliance check for Java-based applications using GitHub Actions:

name: build

  - push


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: "temurin"
          java-version: "17"
      - name: Install Codyze
        run: |
          wget "${CODYZE_VERSION}/codyze-${CODYZE_VERSION}.zip" && unzip codyze-${CODYZE_VERSION}.zip
      - name: Check compliance
        run: |
          codyze-${CODYZE_VERSION}/bin/codyze <arguments>